March 27, 2024

Leeuwin Coast scoops 3 Gold Medals at Sydney Royal Show 2024 Aquaculture Awards

Some of the best rock oysters this year are from Western Australia
Leeuwin Coast Albany Rock Oysters from Western Australia awarded 3 Gold medals at Sydney Royal Show Aquaculture Awards 2024.
Harvested only in the warmer months of November to April when they are in peak condition, Leeuwin Coast Albany Rock Oysters are available for a limited time each year.

Harvest Road’s aquaculture brand, Leeuwin Coast, is delighted to announce that they have been awarded 3 Gold Medals in the Sydney Royal Show Aquaculture awards, within the commercial volume class.

Leeuwin Coast placed 2nd overall with the joint highest score for their plate sized rock oyster.

Leeuwin Coast’s rock oysters are grown in Albany, Western Australia, where a remote and pristine coastline provides the perfect setting for an oyster farm in an area renowned for its premium seafood.

Harvested only in the warmer months of November to April when they are in peak condition, Albany Rock Oysters are grown in the aptly named Oyster Harbour ,nourished by fresh waters from the King and Kalgan Rivers and saltwater of the Southern Ocean, conditions that provide a nutrient-rich growing environment.

The aquaculture leases were acquired in 2020 by Leeuwin Coast. It’s strong recognition for the business as this is the first commercial harvest from a three-year growing cycle, in which the business has controlled the supply from hatchery to harvest.

Since then, the Leeuwin Coast aquaculture team have focused on finessing rock oyster growing techniques and invested in both on- and off-shore infrastructure to produce a unique tasting, consistent quality rock oyster.

Starting their life in the local hatchery, and then transitioning to purpose built, state of the art nursery facilities, Albany Rock Oysters are carefully managed and graded so that only the best quality oysters continue their journey into the baskets in Oyster Harbour.

Harvest Road General Manager for Aquaculture Richard Kohne said the specialist team at Harvest Road had been tracking and monitoring this year’s harvest for closely, ensuring the perfect conditions for optimal growth and flavour.

“The team are out on the water multiple times each week, checking the oysters for shape, meat-to-shell ratio, and a key taste marker in creaminess,” Mr Kohne said.

“There’s a strong sense of satisfaction knowing we are farming in pristine waters and receiving this recognition within a high-quality rock oyster market is testament to the hard work of our rigorous and passionate team. Congratulations to all the award winners on the amazing quality produce they submitted. We are proud to be part of such an incredible passionate industry.”

On the farm Head of Aquaculture Rob Michael and his team work tirelessly to produce Albany Rock Oysters so that when the season comes, they are at the perfect condition. “Rain, hail or shine we are out on the water throughout the whole lifecycle of the rock oyster to ensure the growing conditions are optimal. This includes regular size grading of oysters to ensure they have plenty space to grow and using on-farm techniques that create a well-proportioned oyster.”

The Albany Rock Oysters have been embraced by chefs across the country with oyster connoisseurs intrigued by the previously little-known Albany Rock Oyster from Western Australia.

Mark Wiedermann, Chief Commercial Officer for Harvest Road said: “Chefs and their diners are increasingly looking for both sustainable and delicious eating choices and Albany Rock Oysters offer both. Our customers have been overwhelmingly positive about the well-balanced flavour profile and seasonal condition of the Albany Rock Oysters, and we are delighted that the judges at the Sydney Royal Show agree.”

Click here to see the full list of results.